My Story – by Mercy Jeyaraja Rao
Do not doubt God, who made you who you are. Do not compare yourself to anyone, and do not covet another’s gifts. Stir up the gifts God has given to you. You are unique and special.
Why am I writing My Story? Over the years the women around the world who have blessed my life, my former students and friends, have been asking me who I really am. I did not feel worthy. I am who I am because of God’s grace. Someone defined grace as “getting what you don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting what you deserve.” I have prayed and sought God’s will, and from his Word he confirmed. So here I go with it: “Things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done” (Ps 78:3–4).
The story of my life is not about my accomplishments. The choice I made in the year 1947, when I turned my life over to Jesus, has made all the difference. A man of God prayed, “Lord, get me out of the way and let the instrument be forgotten and you get all the glory.” This is my prayer as I write my story.
An e-book is available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook).
Mercy Jeyaraja Rao
Mercy Jeyaraja Rao was born on July 4, 1930, to Mary and Daniel Jeyaraja Rao in Visakhapatnam, India. She was the fourth daughter born into the family. At the age of seventeen, Mercy gave her life to Jesus and her life was dramatically changed! Mercy served at Timpany School from 1954 to 2002, serving as Headmistress, Principal, Executive Director, and General Director. A part of International Women’s Ministry from 1960 until 2000, Mercy travelled to all the continents as Vice-President and President of the Asian Baptist Women’s Union. Later, she travelled as Vice-President of the Baptist World Alliance Men’s Department and President of the Women’s Department. Mercy became a citizen of the United States of America on October 3, 2013.