Never Repress Laughter – By Earl D. Tillman
Storytelling in the rural South has long been an art form. Prior to radio and television, it was a major form of communication and entertainment.
The stories in this collection come from actual experiences. However, as time passed, some of the facts merged with a bit of fiction. No storyteller would ever let the whole truth get in the way of a good story. The best stories get passed along from person to person and generation to generation. Parents enjoyed telling of their childhood years, and the stories got even better as the grandparents and great-grandparents expanded on the truths and added some of their own.
This book will continue in part as an autobiography. Hopefully you will be able to think of your own family—the good days and years you had, the laughter and the sad times you have shared.
As in most families, when sharing a story or event, I will digress now and then. It is like when you are talking with family or friends and you have a flashback to another happy or sad time.
Some of these stories are excerpts from a speech I gave. Enjoy them as if you were there.
An e-book is available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook).