On Immigration – By Christopher B. Harbin

The issue of immigration is an old one. What does the Bible have to say in reference to our interactions, attitudes, and reactions to immigration and immigrants? How are we to treat and interact with people of some other group, identity, ethnicity, or origin who enter our sphere of life? Often as not, the church has remained mostly silent on the issue of dealing with groups that the larger society has attempted to exclude or place in some controlled category.

This text will not attempt to deal with the politics of immigration in the national or international arena. It may be pertinent to highlight how some of the biblical issues and discussion play out on the political scene, but we will focus essentially on the relevance of the biblical text to the issue of immigration from a more personal perspective.

While there may be biblical implications for national policy, the focus of this text will be on what the Bible has to say to the church and those who comprise the church. What does the Bible have to say in reference to our interactions, attitudes, and reactions to immigration and immigrants?

This book contains both English and Spanish content.

An e-book is available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook).

Christopher B. Harbin

Christopher B. Harbin

Harbin grew up in Brazil as the son of missionary parents. He began working in missions and ministry during high school and later served as a missionary with his wife, Karen, in Michigan, South Carolina, Mexico and Brazil. He is a Provisional Elder with the United Methodist Church, serving in the area of Charlotte, North Carolina. Learn more about Harbin on his author page.










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