Trust – By Timothy Nagy

Much of what I am getting at with this book is a perspective, or an attitude perhaps, for approaching life. For a Christian, going along with the crowd will never cut it. Other philosophies will not work. Following Jesus is still radical, still difficult, yet still life-giving and the most practical decision one can make.

Søren Kierkegaard, the great nineteenth-century Danish philosopher, puts the matter this way: “‘For,’ says common sense, ‘a fanatic is a fanatic. Bad enough. But seriously to…become his disciple is the greatest possible madness. There is only one possible way of being madder than a madman: it is the higher madness of attaching oneself in all seriousness to a madman, regarding him as a wise man.’”

I have been engaging with this higher madness for some time now, and it has caused a paradigm shift in my very being. The mind is where that shift starts, and I do not think it ever ends. Therefore, let us search this great madness and see if we might find some wisdom after all.

An e-book is available on Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook).

Timothy Nagy

Timothy Nagy

A practical theologian, author, and ecumenist, Nagy is a graduate of the M.Th. in Applied Theology program at Regent’s Park College, Oxford. In addition to his theological pursuits, he enjoys hiking, singing, and playing fingerstyle guitar.










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