Barrett Owen is senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Waynesboro, Virginia, and a Baptist Center for Ethics board member.

1. Where did you grow up?

Cross Plains, Tennessee, 30 miles north of Nashville.

2. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why?

Acts 4:20.

John and Paul stand in the face of oppression and speak boldly about the love and power of Jesus Christ. In so many ways, I admire this moment in them.

3. What is your favorite movie? Why?

All things Star Wars and the Marvel universe.

Both capture the entanglement of the spiritual and the physical while offering interplays to how we can and should live our lives.

4. Who are three people you admire?

Martin Luther King Jr., Richard Rohr and Barack Obama.

5. What is one little-known fact about yourself?

I corrected my speech therapist at 6 years old telling her the correct pronunciation is “wa-fwidge-a-wata.”

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