Blake McKinney is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
Blake’s articles that have appeared on are available here.
1. Where did you grow up?
North Little Rock, Arkansas, and Bristol, Tennessee.
2. What is your favorite Bible verse, book or story? Why?
The book of Jonah.
I love the way it reveals God’s relentless love for us.
3. What is your favorite movie? Why?
“Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope.”
I was awestruck by the original Star Wars when I was 8 years old, and no movie has topped it since then.
4. Who are three of the people you admire?
Billy White (my pastor during my teen years and my first ministry boss), Dallas Willard and John Ortberg.
5. What is one little known fact about yourself?
A Dr. Pepper Slurpee from 7-11 is my favorite thing in the world – other than Jesus and my family.