Daniel Carro is professor of divinity at the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Arlington, Virginia, the Latino ambassador for the Virginia Baptist Mission Board, and board member of the Baptist Center for Ethics.
Daniel’s articles that have appeared on EthicsDaily.com are available here.
1. Where did you grow up?
I was born in Buenos Aires and grew up in the city of La Paz in the northern province of Entre Rios, Argentina.
2. What is your favorite Bible verse, book or story? Why?
Psalm 131.
It represents for me a sort of aspiration for life, never fully realized.
3. What is one of your favorite movies? Why?
“Babette’s Feast.”
It offers a contemporary Christian parable.
4. Who are a few of the people you admire?
Among my most admired are the women in my life: Yolanda (my mother), Dina (my wife) as well as Carolina and Cecilia (my daughters) and Florencia and Constanza (my granddaughters).
5. What is one little known fact about yourself?
My father died when I was 1, and he was 27. He prayed for his only son to become a pastor. God answered his prayer, indeed.