David Fitch is the Betty R. Linder chair of evangelical theology at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois.
David’s articles that have appeared on EthicsDaily.com are available here.
1. Where did you grow up?
I was born in the Chicago area and moved to Canada, where my dad was a pastor, so I grew up primarily in Hamilton, Ontario, although I finished high school in Massachusetts.
2. What is your favorite Bible verse, book or story? Why?
Matthew 1:23.
I think the most profound insight of God’s work in Christ is that God has come to be present with us and we must tend to his presence in our lives.
3. What is your favorite movie? Why?
A recent movie that I appreciated was “Calvary.”
It was stunning in its display of the way God works to overcome the sin and brokenness in the world.
4. Who are three of the people you admire?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Stanley Hauerwas and Gary Nelson (my friend and president of Tyndale College Seminary in Toronto).
5. What is one little known fact about yourself?
After seminary, I was a stockbroker and that’s where I got truly saved.