Rupen Das is director of the master of religion in Middle Eastern and North African studies at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut, Lebanon.
In January 2015, he will begin a new position as consultant for mission and development at the European Baptist Federation (EBF) based in Amsterdam.
Rupen’s articles that have appeared on are available here.
1. Where did you grow up?
Because of my father’s work with the United Nations, I grew up all over the world, having lived as a child in India, Switzerland, Lebanon, Iran and the U.S.
2. What is your favorite Bible verse, book or story? Why?
Galatians 2:10.
This reinforced for me that no matter what my theological stand, the care of the poor needed to be central in how I practiced and lived out my faith.
3. What is your favorite movie? Why?
“Chariots of Fire.”
It emphasizes that God honors obedience to him.
4. Who are three of the people you admire?
Amy Carmichael (Protestant missionary and writer), N.T. Wright and Mother Teresa.
5. What is one little known fact about yourself?
I recently became a grandfather.