Effective Church Leaders Must Anticipate Change

Effective leaders must not only be agile in navigating a changing context, but they must be anticipatory as well, perceiving what’s ahead before it is clearly manifested. Business strategist Daniel Burrus makes this point in a recent blog post and suggests that...

Now That I Believe: I Am Different

A sermon delivered by, Joel Snider, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Rome, Ga., on October 17, 2010. Romans 12:1-2  Morning Prayer: O dear God and Father of us all, we thank you for the way that our lives are changed by your son, Jesus Christ.  We thank you that we are...


Anyone who saw 1999’s “Being John Malkovich” knows that when screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and director Spike Jonze collaborate, the end product is both profound and strange. “Adaptation,” their second achievement together, is a little...