Walking Between the Raindrops

Sermon delivered by Keith Herron, pastor of Holmeswood Baptist Church in Kansas City, Mo., on July 26, 2009. 2 Samuel 11: 1-15 Our Bible story today should be rated R for adults but I’ll preach it in PG fashion for the sake of the children. Nevertheless it’s an...

Three Ministers of Substance

It has not been a good time for ministers and their families lately in the media. Within a couple of hundred miles of where I live one awaits trial for the murder of his wife. Another who was accused of child abuse at a church camp committed suicide. Another confessed...

SBC Leader Terms Schiavo Case ‘Murder’

A Southern Baptist Convention officer told a national television audience Sunday night that Terri Schiavo was “murdered” by “an adulterous husband.” Introduced as first vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention to a crowd at Two Rivers...

Living Counter-Culturally

Is fidelity a myth? We might easily draw that conclusion if our only sources of information are books, television and movies. In these worlds, married people have affairs, and single people move from partner to partner with little commitment or consequence. If you are...