Rowan Williams Sparks a Political Row in England

CANTERBURY, England (RNS) Nearly a millennium ago, four unruly knights crossed the English Channel from France and confronted the archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, over his feud with King Henry II. Before the knights smashed the future saint’s skull in front of...

Anglican Leader Slams British Austerity Budget

LONDON (RNS) Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has touched off a fury by accusing the British government of causing widespread “anxiety and anger” with its new austerity budget. The leader of the world’s 77 million Anglicans crossed swords with the government of...

Church-state Ties on Full Display at Royal Wedding

CANTERBURY, England (RNS) When Prince William and Kate Middleton walk down the aisle at Westminster Abbey on Friday (April 29), Britain’s unique and historic ties between church and state will be on full display. Some here think—even hope—it could also be the last...

Anglicans Tighten Rules to Prevent Sham Marriages

LONDON (RNS) Couples suspected of using their wedding vows as a ruse to skirt immigration laws will be required to meet strict identity checks and face greater scrutiny under new Church of England guidelines to stop sham marriages. The guidelines announced Tuesday...

Millionaire Buys Paintings so Church Can Keep Them

CANTERBURY, England (RNS/ENInews) A self-effacing multimillionaire has become a local hero after buying a series of 17th-century religious paintings and then donating them back to the Church of England in a bid to help boost art tourism. Jonathan Ruffer, 59, paid 15...