by Roger Olson | Feb 12, 2014 | Opinion
I have a recording of two well-known leaders of the new Calvinism who promote themselves as mainstream evangelicals. They are answering questions from an audience. The recording does not include where or when this took place, but it seems to be at a Christian college...
by Roger Olson | Feb 11, 2014 | Opinion
According to a recent article in The New York Times, I am the leading opponent of Calvinism – or the new Calvinism – in America today. I don’t know where the writer, Mark Oppenheimer, got that idea. Certainly not from me. Someone else must have said that to him....
by Bob Allen | Mar 8, 2006 | News
Would Herschel Hobbs have a place in today’s Southern Baptist Convention? In an article reportedly due out in an upcoming issue of SBC Life, Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Seminary, dismissed statements like “Election works like this: God...