by Zach Dawes Jr | Jun 9, 2022 | Opinion
There was no “Damascus Road” experience. My understanding of Jesus’ death was challenged – and, ultimately, changed – slowly, gradually, haltingly. Encountering the work of René Girard – and others who built upon and adapted his interpretation of Jesus’ death through...
by John D. Pierce | Apr 12, 2022 | Opinion
An insight picked up somewhere many years ago has stayed with me — especially when considering the cruel cross of Jesus which looms on the horizon of our spiritual journey. Societies seek to oppose and eliminate that which is considered below the acceptable standards...
by John D. Pierce | Dec 21, 2021 | Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
Waiting is not always easy. A bright young allergist told me technology was moving so fast that soon he would be giving me a shot and I’d never be troubled by seasonal allergies again. That was 20 years ago. He moved on to practice in another place. And I’m still...
by Jana Peterson | Jul 1, 2021 | Opinion
We can’t keep doing the same things over and over while crossing our fingers hoping for a different outcome. A chapel speaker during my high school years put it this way, “If we always do what we’ve always done, we’ll always get what we’ve always got.” This insight...
by Good Faith Media | Dec 1, 2020 | News
Abba, Father by Leroy Spinks and Namaste, Newbie! by Jim Dant are the latest releases from Nurturing Faith books, the publishing imprint of Good Faith Media. Thinkers from the second century onward have been obsessed with formulating a theory of the atonement,...