by Autumn Lockett | May 4, 2022 | Opinion
“But mama, how can we sell our church? Where will we go on Sunday-church-days? Can I still wear my click-clack shoes?” The lispy question hung in the air as we drove home from the last town hall in a series of tough discussions about the future of our church. Her...
by Autumn Lockett | Jun 8, 2021 | Opinion
I hopped atop my trusty Facebook steed a few weeks ago and began (another) Paul Revere-style ride, making my latest proclamation. It seems like the number of folks who still follow me is in single digits at this point. Between gun violence, racial injustice, people...
by Autumn Lockett | May 19, 2021 | Opinion
“Mama, I hafta keep knocking on my head to get the bad thoughts to go away.” This is how you start a conversation about mental health when you’re 5 years old. You take a rare quiet moment in the Mom Taxi and ask for a life raft. “Okay, buddy. Can you tell me a little...
by Good Faith Media | Aug 14, 2020 | News
Autumn Lockett is the executive director of development and marketing at Good Faith Media. 1. What story, verse or passage from your faith tradition’s sacred texts has significantly influenced / shaped your life? My family and I were members of NorthHaven Church...
by Autumn Lockett | Jul 6, 2020 | Opinion
I was baptized in a little white church with blood red carpet. At 5 years old, I was scared of water splashing in my face so our pastor let me take a practice swim in the warm baptistry water on the Saturday night before my baptism. On Sunday morning we sang a hymn...