Israeli Election is Wake-Up Call to Church: Part 2

The church in Israel should ask herself: How can it better serve the Arab Israeli community in particular, and the Israeli community in general, in the light of the recent elections? I believe the church in Israel is doing a good job on the spiritual level by...

Israeli Election is Wake-Up Call to Church: Part 1

The famous theologian Karl Barth once said, “We should carry the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other hand.” This will help us, on the one hand, to understand what challenges our community is going through, and, on the other, to consider how...
Profiles in Goodwill: Azar Ajaj

Profiles in Goodwill: Azar Ajaj

Azar Ajaj is president of Nazareth Evangelical Theological Seminary in Israel. Azar’s articles that have appeared on are available here, and his interview during the 2014 Baptist World Alliance gathering in Izmir, Turkey, is available here. 1....

“Because Here It’s Not Far From Hell”

Three Israeli teenagers hitchhiking to their homes were kidnapped in the West Bank on June 12. Israel accused Hamas and initiated an operation to search for the three teenagers. During this operation, Israel arrested almost 400 Palestinians, including most of the...