The Assistant Baptizer

The Assistant Baptizer

Because of our  conversation in Bible study this morning, the old gray-haired Baptist-Appalachian-American preacher is thinking about Brother Paul’s word in I  Timothy 3:6. He writes that a church leader should not be a new convert, lest he develop a ...
An Invitation to Liturgical Prayer

An Invitation to Liturgical Prayer

We are all priests from our baptism, and with that comes an invitation, namely, to pray for the world as a priest through the prayer of Christ and the church. What does that mean exactly? Everyone who is baptized as a Christian is baptized into the priesthood of Jesus...
Are You Asking For Trouble?

Are You Asking For Trouble?

What has the North American church gotten itself into? Known more for infighting, schisms and splits, the focus has largely been on doctrinal beliefs and buildings. But what about the church as the very real body of Christ, as baptized believers? There are 215...