Dinner Churches: Reaching Isolated People for Christ

“There’s a natural beauty in a big, huge, family table that says, ‘You’ll be included here,'” explained Verlon Fosner, director of the Dinner Church Collective, a stream of the Fresh Expressions movement. He and his wife, Melodee, work...

4 Principles to Ensure Short-Term Missions Succeed

Short-term mission teams are often criticized. Those who question this approach can cite plenty of evidence: projects left undone, harmful things said or done by volunteers, concepts of superiority and privilege that ooze from team members, undue stress created when...

Georgia Church Aligns With Virginia Baptists

Our unanimous vote Sunday night to expand our ministry partners to include three new partners, and especially the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV), is a significant and substantial decision. Others may interpret our action in any number of ways. What I...