Traumatizing Times Raise Myriad Questions

Traumatizing Times Raise Myriad Questions

These are traumatizing times. Cases of police brutality present a large body of evidence that we remain deeply disconnected from each other — not as Americans, or as liberals, moderates or conservatives, or as people of faith and no faith, or as “pro-life” or...
Until Black Women’s Lives Matter

Until Black Women’s Lives Matter

I can hear helicopters circling over my city as I write these words. It’s a few hours after the attorney general’s announcement about Breonna Taylor here in Louisville. Sickness settles in my stomach as I begin to digest the news that one officer was indicted because...
White Support for Black Causes Doesn’t Last

White Support for Black Causes Doesn’t Last

What do I think about the overwhelming support that has recently been shown by white people who have willingly participated in marches and public protests that highlight the value of Black lives in the United States and the need for greater police accountability in...