by Blake McKinney | May 28, 2014 | Opinion
My daughter asked me a big question the other day. “Dad, why did God make bees and mosquitoes?” I could see her 5-year-old theological wheels turning as she pondered the mystery of why a God who cares for her and who is powerful enough to make whatever he...
by Blake McKinney | Dec 27, 2013 | Opinion
Have you ever said something and then wished you hadn’t said it? The words come out and you immediately wish you could reel them back in. But the thing about words is that you can’t unsay them. It is like pulling the trigger and then wishing the bullet...
by Blake McKinney | Dec 19, 2013 | Opinion
There’s a bumper sticker that says, “Marriage is finding that one special someone you can annoy for the rest of your life.” That’s funny, in a too-close-to-home kind of way, but it falls a little short of the picture of marriage that we see in...