When Building Walls, Make Sure They’re Good Ones

In his poem, “Mending Wall,” published in 1914, Robert Frost stated the proverb, “Good fences make good neighbors.” Frost recognized that “where there are cows,” fences make good sense. However, he questioned the necessity of fences...

Razor Wire Isn’t Needed to Protect Christianity

Razor wire is now stretched along a 110-mile Hungarian border. The razor wire protects the Christian culture of Hungary from the Muslims, according to Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Jesus is the Christ from whom the word “Christian” is derived. I doubt that...

Living in the Borderlands

From Tijuana on the Pacific Ocean to Matamoros on the Gulf of Mexico runs a 1,833-mile border separating the United States from Latin America. Around the halfway point on this border is Ciudad Juárez. Flowing southeastwardly from Ciudad Juárez to Matamoros is the...