Profiles in Goodwill: Brock Ratcliff

Profiles in Goodwill: Brock Ratcliff

Brock Ratcliff is a minister at Madison Chapel in Madison, Mississippi. He also teaches mathematics and computer science at Clinton Alternative School in Clinton, Mississippi. Brock’s articles that have appeared on are available here. 1. Where...

What Your Congregation Can Learn from Common Core

The Common Core State Standards guiding public education have received a lot of press in the last year, most of it negative. There has been a strong campaign to combat the misinformation about what exactly the standards are and how they will affect local school...


I was fully prepared to love the new “Godzilla” film. After the debacle that was the 1998 version, anything would be a better adaptation of the legendary monster. The new film did not disappoint. The monsters looked great, the destruction was grand and...