Baptists of the Year

Baptists of the Year

Time Magazine has selected a man or woman as the person of the year since 1927. President Bush is the 2004 recipient. Past recipients have included Mohandas Gandhi in 1930, Adolf Hitler in 1938, Joseph Stalin in 1939, Lyndon Johnson in 1967 and Pope John Paul II in...

Transformational Leaders Must Be Advocates

Transformational leadership does not see results overnight. This may be one of the most frustrating aspects of any activism. How does one remain optimistically focused on a goal in the face of strongly rooted obstacles and unanticipated challenges? In her books...

Baptist Women: Present Roles

The issue of women’s roles, now a non-issue for American Baptists, remained a hot topic among Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists and National Baptists in the 1990s. Out of the SBC controversies of the 1980s, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship formed in...