Why You Need to Free Your Stifled Imagination

We leave the imagination stuff to children – imaginary friends and Peter Pan’s epic imaginary food fight come to mind. Certainly, higher thinkers and wise adults would have moved past imagination to knowledge. This is dangerous. Maybe our quest for knowledge is...

Beautiful Things From The Dust

A sermon delivered by Carra Hughes Greer, Smoke Rise Baptist Church, Stone Mountain, Ga., on May 22, 2011. John 8:1-11 It’s early in the morning and Jesus is teaching a group of people in the temple. Out of nowhere, an angry mob of scribes and Pharisees bring a...

Wild Chickens and a Mother’s Love

This sermon was delivered by Carra Hughes Greer, minister to families with youth at Smoke Rise Baptist Church, Stone Mountain, Ga., on Feb. 28, 2010.   Luke 13:31-35   One sunny afternoon, my oldest brother Troy had been chasing Fitzgerald’s famous wild chickens and...

You Are What You Eat

This sermon was preached by Carra Hughes Greer, minister to families with youth, at Smoke Rise Baptist Church in Stone Mountain, Ga., on Aug. 23, 2009.   John 6:56-69 I am always so excited when I get an opportunity to preach.  Actually, when Bob came to me several...