by Sue Smith | Aug 7, 2019 | Opinion
People don’t choose lightly to flee their countries carrying only a few belongings in a backpack, with the knowledge that they may never see their families again. It’s not an adventure, not a “the grass is greener on the other side” kind of thing, not a search for the...
by Staff | Aug 20, 2018 | News
Millions of children coming to the U.S. from Central America are migrating to escape poverty and violence, according to a U.N. Children’s Fund “Child Alert” report released Aug. 16. “Gang-related violence, organized crime, extortion, poverty and limited access to...
by Juan Aragon | Feb 13, 2017 | Opinion
My friend, Uziel, is one of the thousands of Central American youths who have migrated to the U.S. searching for a better life. Originally from Aldea Miramar – a Mayan, Mam-speaking community in San Martin Sacatepéquez, Guatemala – he migrated to the U.S....