by Charles Foster Johnson | Feb 18, 2010 | Opinion
My friends on the Baylor University board of regents are urging patient understanding from our Texas Baptist family concerning the appointment of Kenneth Starr as president of the university. The call to reason and patience – two clear scriptural virtues – is timely...
by Charles Foster Johnson | Feb 2, 2009 | Opinion
One of the oddest ironies of contemporary Christianity in America is the inability ”or unwillingness ”of progressive churches to evangelize. These are the churches with the most excellent values of inclusiveness and empowerment. It is axiomatic that openness of heart...
by Charles Foster Johnson | Jul 16, 2008 | Opinion
The Italian government’s plan to fingerprint the Roma people, commonly known as Gypsies, must be condemned by Baptists everywhere. For a number of years, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has focused its global mission energies in ministering the gospel to this...
by Charles Foster Johnson | Feb 12, 2008 | Opinion
Anyone who has been around Baptist preachers very long knows that the old simile about us being like manure is embarrassingly true: spread us around and we do a little good, but get us all together and we stink to the high heavens. So, like many, I came to the New...
by Charles Foster Johnson | Jan 14, 2008 | Opinion
North American Baptists will soon have one of the best opportunities in our history to address the racial divisions that have too long defined us. On Jan. 30, thousands of Baptists from across racial, denominational, theological and geographical lines will gather in...