by Christina Embree | Feb 3, 2020 | Opinion
A dialogue about “a systemic sin” in the church grabbed my attention recently. The followed quote from John Wesley’s “On Instructing Children, Minutes of Several Conversations” was posted to Facebook by a senior pastor I know: “John Wesley on the pastor’s...
by Bridgette Poag | Feb 7, 2014 | Opinion
Each year I try to think of new ways I can incorporate the season of Lent into our activities at church. In the past, I have written Lenten curriculum for our Sunday school classes, incorporated Lenten practices into children’s worship and offered Lenten...
by Dorothy Strickland | Nov 14, 2013 | Opinion
A few years before our first child was born, my husband and I joined a Baptist church that celebrated Advent. Neither of us had past family traditions of Advent, so we began creating traditions. We tried calendars, wreaths and daily devotionals, and gradually created...
by Bob Allen | Feb 1, 2006 | News
A recent decision by Smyth & Helwys to discontinue its preschool and children’s Sunday school curricula lines caught customers off guard and left some scrambling to find another publisher. Smyth & Helwys announced in a December letter that due to a...
by Bob Allen | Jan 24, 2006 | News
The unofficial publisher of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is discontinuing Sunday school curriculum for children and preschoolers, saying not enough churches use the material to justify what it costs to produce it. David Cassady, executive vice president and...