by Larry Greenfield | Mar 29, 2013 | Opinion
There are costs in being brought back from the dead to life. Just ask Lazarus. Not that he had much to say, at least from what we can gather in Scripture. He was evidently the silent type. Lazarus is known primarily by his relationships – as the brother of...
by Joel Snider | Sep 21, 2012 | General
A sermon delivered by Joel Snider, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Rome, Ga., on September 16, 2012. Jeremiah 31:31-34 Meditation Text: But through all the troubles which beat against and broke the marriage covenant between Jehovah and Israel, there was one factor which...
by Joel Snider | May 10, 2012 | General
A sermon delivered by Joel Snider, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Rome, Ga., on May 6, 2012. Joshua 24:14-16 Morning Prayer: O God, we pray today for these graduates, for their peers here in the city, and others graduating throughout the nation. We pray that their...