by Sean McKenzie | Nov 30, 2009 | Opinion
A recent Harvard study estimates that 45,000 Americans die per year because they don’t have health insurance. Therefore, a health-care bill that allows 36 million uninsured to get some form of health coverage would likely save tens of thousands of American lives...
by Robert Parham | Nov 11, 2009 | Opinion
When the Christian Coalition joins the National Wildlife Federation in urging the U.S. Senate to pass a bill that will address constructively climate change, one is tempted to think of the Hebrew prophet Isaiah’s vision of a time when the “wolf shall dwell...
by James L. Evans | Dec 11, 2006 | Opinion
In July of this year, the Christian Coalition of America elected Florida megachurch pastor Joel C. Hunter to serve as the group’s new president. He was slated to take over the job from Roberta Combs who will continue to serve as chair of the Coalition’s...
by James L. Evans | Aug 25, 2006 | Opinion
You can always tell when it’s election time in Alabama. The red, white, and blue “vote for me” signs start popping up along the highways. Television ads with their mind numbing “I am more conservative than my opponent” mantra start...
by James L. Evans | Aug 8, 2006 | Opinion
For some time now, groups like the Christian Coalition, Focus on the Family, the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, have served as a conduit for funneling a particular political agenda into the hearts and minds of many Christians. These same...