by Jerrod Hugenot | Sep 15, 2014 | Opinion
I have advised several local church search committees about many important considerations as they seek transitional or ongoing clergy to serve their congregations over the past year. During these discussions, I feel it is important to ensure the church has taken two...
by Bob Allen | Oct 27, 2006 | News
Two Baptist General Convention of Texas staff members have stepped down following a five-month investigation into possible misuse of funds. Abe Zabeneh, a church starter and former director of the BGCT Church Starting Center resigned Wednesday, and David Guel, former...
by Ray Higgins | May 23, 2002 | Opinion
Pastors can have some big-sized dreams for God. So can kings. 1 Chronicles 17 reports how King David processed his success in defeating Israel’s enemies, uniting the nation, bringing the Ark of the Covenant home and building a majestic palace. As he basked in...