Baptists and Life in Covenant: Part 2

Baptists are a covenantal people, but it is essential to realize that this covenant is not a legal contract. The “way” in which covenant partners walk can only be one of mutual trust. This is where Baptists have given an insight to the universal church,...

Baptists and Life in Covenant: Part 1

More than 400 years ago, a company of Christian believers met in a village in Lincolnshire and made a covenant together. They were facing persecution, imprisonment and even the prospect of death because they wanted to worship God freely in the way they believed God...

Why Your Church Can Disagree and Still Be United

Are Baptists a peaceable people? Do we live together in the reconciled love of Christ? Is our gospel of grace demonstrated in our common life? Well … sometimes. There are many congregations that are laboratories of love, schools of grace. But it has to be...