by Staff | Jul 24, 2017 | News
More than 2 billion people do not have easy access to clean water and more than 4 billion lack proper sanitation, according to a joint World Health Organization and U.N. Children’s Fund report. Only 71 percent of the global population has safely managed drinking...
by Staff | Apr 4, 2017 | News
An estimated 600 million children (one in four) will struggle to access potable water by 2040 if current trends continue. That’s the conclusion of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) recent report, “Thirsting for a...
by Chris Hall | Mar 22, 2017 | Opinion
Everyone should have access to clean water wherever they live in the world. It’s a basic need that we require to survive and thrive. But millions of people don’t have that access and that is a challenge to the church: Should we respond to this huge need...
by Lena Plunk | Mar 21, 2017 | Opinion
Early in the morning, a mom and her teenage daughter set out for the nearest water source in which those in her village have access. It is going to be a long, five-mile walk, but it’s necessary in order for her family to receive clean water. Her daughter helps...
by Bill Ross | Mar 17, 2017 | Opinion
It is about relationships. More than 30 years ago, I had the opportunity to visit India and establish lifelong relationships with Baptists in Kerala. It is about the mystery of God. I had two opportunities to “travel to the hard places” with Pat Anderson...