by Joe LaGuardia | Nov 1, 2019 | Opinion
I’ve been addicted recently to a new channel on SiriusXM Radio devoted to old The Tonight Show episodes with Johnny Carson. I get a kick out of his monologues. What is most intriguing is the humor and relevance that make monologues so timeless, even though the...
by Mitch Carnell | Sep 3, 2019 | Opinion
Susan Sparks reflects on humor that is joyful and therapeutic in her book, “Preaching Punchlines.” She is not speaking of humor that is scornful, rude, hateful or judgmental, but humor that lifts us up and honors. She quickly banishes any thoughts that she is...
by Zach Dawes Jr | Oct 5, 2018 | Opinion
From late night talk shows to standup comedy, humor has long been an effective avenue for addressing serious topics. Laughter has a way of disarming audiences, allowing them to hear perspectives they might otherwise overlook or dismiss too quickly due to ingrained...
by Kimberly Winston | Oct 13, 2010 | News
(RNS) When comedian Stephen Colbert brought his act to Capitol Hill last month and stole the spotlight with his satirical shtick, no one was more surprised than lawmakers. “You run your show,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers scolded him, “we run the...
by Bob Allen | Dec 19, 2006 | News
A Baptist Center for Ethics Christmas campaign urging Wal-Mart to be a “Golden Rule” employer earned mention in Jay Leno’s Friday “Tonight Show” monologue. “Hey, did you hear about this?” Leno asked. “A controversial new...