Why You Can’t Go Back to Normal After Pandemic

Why You Can’t Go Back to Normal After Pandemic

An embarrassing thought went through my head on a recent weekend drive. I was sitting in my car on a six-lane road that’s surrounded by stores and apartments and businesses. And I was surrounded by cars. Everywhere, cars. Bumper-to-bumper cars. Then that embarrassing...

7 Tips to Help Burned-Out Pastors

I attended a meeting of clergy recently, which began with us sitting in a small circle, coffees in hand, introducing ourselves and talking about the state of our ministries. I knew immediately how this would go and it met my expectations. It was the exact same...

The Life That Really is Life

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. September 29, 2013 Psalm 91:9-16; 1 Timothy 6:6-19                           Some of you, at least, are aware that I am an avid amateur photographer. I am of the school that believes a...

Even Living Sustainable Life Comes With Baggage

There’s a myth with which we’ve all been indoctrinated. Some call it the “greener grass syndrome” while others believe “progress is inevitable.” Some are working for the golden age of retirement while others want a better spouse,...