by David Fitch | Jul 8, 2019 | Opinion
We’re living in angry times. Wherever we go, whether church, school, city hall or Washington, D.C.; whatever we watch, whether cable television, Facebook or the local theater; and however we do things, whether by email or Twitter or telephone, in person or in a...
by David Fitch | Sep 9, 2015 | Opinion
There are times when Christians feel forced to join in with a “cause” in the world. Most often we are presented with a claim for justice in this “cause.” We are told that to be silent amid this injustice is to already make a choice to join in...
by David Fitch | Jul 31, 2015 | Opinion
I grew up in a time when evidentiary apologetics was big in youth groups. It was not uncommon to use Josh McDowell’s “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” as a youth group curriculum. Then came Lee Strobel’s “The Case for Christianity”...
by David Fitch | Jul 2, 2015 | Opinion
The life of being a bivocational minister is really a work of art. There is no set formula for bivocational. It is a navigation that changes with time. It ebbs and flows through the entire history of a missionary. It cannot be considered a strategy. It is a chosen way...
by David Fitch | Jun 10, 2015 | Opinion
You would think moving people from serving their church in its traditional organized functions (like the worship service, discipleship and internally organized justice programs) to serving in the neighborhood in mission would be an easy transition. It is just a shift...