Why We See Our Group as More Diverse Than Others

My research on the anti-trafficking movement in Thailand primarily tracked U.S. Christian networks. As I suspected, the many missionaries and humanitarians I interviewed represented remarkable diversity. Some, horrified by sex trafficking, emoted like the passionate...

When Your Faith Aligns Too Closely with Your Politics

Christians, who are people of the Book, follow political scripts as well as biblical scripts. The Right preaches small government and identifies with the Republican Party. The Left preaches an interventionist government and identifies with the Democratic Party. There...

Was Missions Work Liberating for Women?

Was missionary work liberating for women? It depended. “Multiple freedoms and multiple opportunities reinforced each other,” writes historian Jane Smith in “The Gospel of Gentility,” “and [female missionaries] described themselves as...

The Christian Pacifism of Charles Spurgeon

Charles Spurgeon, a Reformed Baptist known as the “prince of preachers” in the 19th century, remains revered. Known especially for his devotional writings, he currently ranks in the top 100 best-sellers of Christian literature on Amazon.com. Tom Nettles, a...