Dominion, Domination and Theological “Replacement”

Dominion, Domination and Theological “Replacement”

One of creation’s gifts to humankind, according to the foundational testimony we find in Genesis 1:28, is: “Be fruitful and multiply … and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”...

How God Expects Us to Rule Creation

God made humans in his image and entrusted them with sovereignty over the rest of creation, according to Genesis 1. This sovereignty over creation isn’t a despotic rule to do whatever we want with and to the earth, imposing our will on it. Have you ever tried to...

Why Not Caring for the Planet is So Easy

Genesis 1-2 reveals two important truths about humanity: We are created in the image of God, and we are to be caretakers of the earth. God cared for all things in creation, and humanity is given a similar role. We are to occupy the earth, to multiply our human race...