All That Jazz

A sermon delivered by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo., on October 7, 2012. Mark 10:2-16 The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost         I love Donald Miller’s kooky memoir of how he found faith in his book Blue Like Jazz. Here’s how he...

Do You Like Being Repressed? I Don’t.

“Max, am I going to have to blog about this?” I asked my 5-month-old while reading aloud “Pastor Provocateur,” Collin Hansen’s parting feature article in Christianity Today on Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. (The article is...

Blue Like Jazz

On an unseasonably warm Wednesday evening in mid-January, I set out for the Belcourt Theatre in Nashville to see a program featuring Donald Miller, author of a popular book called “Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality.” As I...