Power of Beauty Cuts Through What Divides Us

Power of Beauty Cuts Through What Divides Us

“The world will be saved by beauty!” Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote that, Dorothy Day quoted it, and centuries before Jesus, Confucius made it central to his pedagogy. They were on to something. Beauty is a special language that cuts through and sidelines all the things that...

Pope Calls Attention to Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton

True to form, Pope Francis demonstrated humility in his way of interacting with all people, not only those in secular or sacred halls of power, during his trip to the U.S. last week. A pontiff who prefers to eat with the homeless rather than national leaders is a...

6 Ways to Recognize Today’s Prophets

Sometimes after teaching or preaching about figures I may wish to describe as “prophetic,” people have sometimes commented, “But what are the big issues today?” This question is asked no doubt with the desire that “we,” the church,...