by Dwight A. Moody | Sep 4, 2002 | Opinion
We have, in a real sense, always been a divided church, segregated by race, class and ideology. The current trends further balkanize the Christian movement. They teach us, indirectly and unintentionally, to insist on our own way in dress, music, doctrine. So goes the...
by Dwight A. Moody | Aug 26, 2002 | Opinion
Off the Mountain Parkway at Slade and up State Road 77 sits a white frame church. The sign facing the traffic names the structure as the “End Time Tabernacle,” which leaves the traveler wondering about doctrine, practice and affiliation but not at all...
by Dwight A. Moody | Aug 21, 2002 | Opinion
My three children, young single adults, are scattered this weekâFlorida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, a situation that prompts an oft-uttered prayer, “Lord, send into their lives people who will inspire them and make good things to happen.” As I pray...
by Dwight A. Moody | Aug 7, 2002 | Opinion
Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Wednesday evening: nine miners trapped. Sunday morning: nine miners saved. “Praise the Lord,” the governor said; throughout America, all the people said, “Amen.” It was a marvel, we all agree, if not an outright...
by Dwight A. Moody | Aug 1, 2002 | Opinion
Words have power: power to create and power to destroy; power to build up and power to tear down; power to bless and power to curse. Paul the Apostle had it right when he wrote: “Let no word come out of your mouth but what is able to build up other people...