by Richard Wilson | Jan 3, 2019 | Opinion
The month of Advent anticipations and the 12 days of Christmas celebrations have come and gone. The Advent wreath is in storage and the Christmas tree has been recycled. Now comes the important and hard work of making our celebrations meaningful. If what we have been...
by Stuart Blythe | Jan 8, 2018 | Opinion
There are a whole range of special foci outside the big two of Christmas and Easter that can be included as part of regular “worship events.” Epiphany (Jan. 6), Mothering Sunday (the fourth Sunday of Advent), Remembrance Day (Nov. 11), Baptist World...
by Zach Dawes Jr | Jan 3, 2014 | Opinion
No matter how bright or dark this past year has been, a new year brings the light of a wide-open future. This is a time of year when we all sense that we have a clean slate – a feeling expressed in our resolutions to do or to be something different, something...
by Richard Wilson | Jan 4, 2007 | Opinion
The month of Advent anticipations and the 12 days of Christmas celebrations have come and gone. The Advent wreath is in storage and the Christmas tree has been recycled. Now comes the important and hard work of making our observations meaningful. If what we have been...