by Jack Moline | Mar 14, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
In Hebrew, a koontz is a trick, sometimes what in English would be called a prank, sometimes a hack, and sometimes what a smart aleck says to get away with something. I really considered using a koontz for this column, putting Bishop Larry Campbell’s words at the top...
by Courtney Pace | Mar 10, 2023 | Feature, Opinion
The transition from Winter to Spring is one of my favorite times of year because Black History Month and Women’s History Month invite us to focus on excellence that has transformed the world in spite of intersectional oppression and disadvantage. Imagine the...
by Miguel A. De La Torre | Jan 5, 2023 | Opinion
Imagine applying for admission to your ideal university or for that perfect job, only to be turned away because someone lacking your work ethic, skills or intelligence is given your spot because of their skin pigmentation. An injustice exists whenever a person, based...
by Miguel A. De La Torre | Dec 20, 2022 | Opinion
Prophets and poets have created an ethereal, imaginary place of pearly gates, gold-paved streets and harp-playing angels as a final resting place for our heavy burden souls. Missing from their conjured imaginary of heaven is that this serene and tranquil place where...
by Starlette Thomas | Nov 10, 2022 | Opinion
Affirmative action continues to mean different things for Americans. Viewed as a helping hand, a handout or a hindrance to meaningful progress, how it is decided who has access to higher education continues to hold back discussions on deracialized equality. The phrase...