by David Wilkerson | Aug 24, 2022 | Opinion
I created a private Facebook group nearly two years ago that focused on constructive dialogue. The dream for the group – Disagreeing Agreeably Is an Art – was to create a platform on Facebook that would encourage people from the entire spectrum of philosophical...
by Starlette Thomas | Oct 6, 2021 | Opinion
Mayday! Mayday! Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp all went down on Monday. There was an hours-long outage across these social media platforms. No posting, no scrolling, no refreshing of screens. So, I took to Twitter to read all about it. Ironically, the outage...
by David Wilkerson | Mar 8, 2021 | Opinion
I was in college when email proliferated to the point where largely technologically unaware adolescents had no choice but to adopt it. No stamp and envelope were required, and I was able to share my thoughts with someone who could read it whenever they wanted. It was...
by Staff | Jun 8, 2016 | News
Christian missionaries found themselves in 1966 in Nigeria amid tribal genocide. They didn’t tell their story about saving lives for 50 years. Now, they are in a forthcoming documentary, “The Disturbances.” This feature-length film is based on video...
by Robert Parham | Nov 16, 2015 | Opinion
As soon as reports appeared on the Paris attacks, the global faith community turned to Twitter to express solidarity for those who suffered and to pray for the victims and their families. Catholic News Agency offered an early tweet: “Join us as we...