by Bob Cornwall | Jun 3, 2010 | Opinion
I remember back when President George W. Bush proposed and saw implemented his faith-based initiative. At the heart of this proposal was that the government would open up funds to be used by faith-based institutions, including local congregations, so that they could...
by Gary Farley | Feb 4, 2004 | Opinion
Much of what I remember from seminary classes in the late 1950s is the observations from wise professors which fell outside the boundaries of the official subject of class. Among these was an observation by New Testament professor Joseph McClain. I think the context...
by Staff | Feb 27, 2001 | News
Pat Robertson, head of the Christian Coalition, voiced concern over Bush’s faith-based initiative. “This thing could be a real Pandora’s box,” Robertson said on the Feb. 20 broadcast of the “700 Club.” “What seems to be such a...
by Chris Caldwell | Feb 20, 2001 | Opinion
As pastor of an urban church that just initiated–without government money–a free tutoring program for neighborhood kids, I have listened to the national debate on funding “faith-based” programs. A few ideas and questions are missing from the...
by Alex Smirnov | Feb 14, 2001 | News
A nationwide study of Protestant church pastors shows they do not have strong feelings one way or another about increasing federal funding for faith-based charity and social service programs. The study, released Feb. 1 by Phoenix-based Ellison Research, ties its...