Mandatory Chapel Hurting Student Faith

Mandatory Chapel Hurting Student Faith

When religious offerings are forced on capable adults, it removes religious freedom. Unfortunately, we see that happening at many Christian colleges nationwide that hold chapel services run by faculty and students for their student body. These services are a great...
Is Curiosity a Spiritual Gift?

Is Curiosity a Spiritual Gift?

Curiosity is not listed specifically among the spiritual gifts. But there is no clear indication that the biblical lists are exhaustive. Those listed gifts presented to early followers of Jesus helped them and those since to fill important roles in communal living as...
Relating to Both Jesus and Christ

Relating to Both Jesus and Christ

For too many years, for me, Christ was simply Jesus’ last name: Jack Smith, Susan Parker, Jesus Christ. Intellectually, I knew better. But, practically, both in my private faith and as a theologian, I functioned as if Christ were simply Jesus’ surname. Whether in...