Farming and Agriculture Most Favored U.S. Industry

Farming and Agriculture Most Favored U.S. Industry

According to recently released results from the Gallup Poll Social Series, farming and agriculture have bypassed restaurants as the most well-regarded industries in the United States. Though popular among more than half of respondents, the restaurant industry has...
5 Ways Your Church Can Assist Our Nation’s Farmers

5 Ways Your Church Can Assist Our Nation’s Farmers

Chris Dykshorn could not stop worrying about the surplus grain he could not sell. He grew more and more despondent as flooded crops and America’s trade wars took their toll. His inability to sell his grain brought this South Dakota farmer to the brink of financial...
Wendell Berry: A Prophetic Voice for Our Environment

Wendell Berry: A Prophetic Voice for Our Environment

Wendell Berry, the inimitable farmer, who is also a novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist and cultural critic, is celebrating his 85th birthday today. I now refer to Berry as “my favorite farmer.” Why would I do that? (And who would have a list of favorite...

Extravagant Investments, Extraordinary Returns

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. July 13, 2014. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 This morning’s Gospel lesson is called the Parable of the Sower.  Since I’m basically a city boy, born in Hong Kong, grew up in Shreveport, lived in...