Countless Lessons From Fisher Humphreys

Countless Lessons From Fisher Humphreys

Fisher Humphreys is a Christian theologian. And I mean that in more than one way.  He is a thoughtful, careful and insightful theologian concerning the nature of God and other Christian beliefs. Also, he is a humble, faithful practitioner of the Christian faith who...

Nine Biblical Themes That Encourage Earth Care

Does the biblical teaching that human beings have dominion over the earth grant Westerners a license to exploit the planet? Or are there biblical themes that encourage stewardship rather than exploitation? I think there are such themes. Here are nine of them: 1.   ...

Three Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty

On the death penalty, as on so many issues, Will D. Campbell has been out in front of many of us. Perhaps you have heard the story about a debate he had on this subject. His opponent made a case for capital punishment that was reasoned, balanced and thorough. The...