Lent Calls us to Embrace Foolishness

Lent Calls us to Embrace Foolishness

Walter Brueggemann is a prophet in our time. A connecting thread through his life’s calling as a scholar of the Hebrew Bible and Christian testament is the holy task of unmasking domineering powers through millennia of human history. Carrying his woven theme of...

God’s Own Fool

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. February 2, 2014. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Several years back, columnist Dave Barry listed “Sixteen Things That It Took Me over Fifty Years to Learn.”   Let me give you the “Top Ten” of...

The Way of Wisdom

A sermon delivered by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, Farmville Baptist Church, Farmville, Va., on March 11, 2012. Third Sunday in Lent 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Several years back, columnist Dave Barry listed “Sixteen Things That It Took Me over Fifty Years to Learn.”[1]  Let me...