

Good Faith Media just finished recording the second season of the Free Mom Hugs podcast, “Pride 365: Out for Equality.” One episode featured co-hosts Sara Cunningham and Katrina Kalb visiting with singer/songwriter Jennifer Knapp.    Knapp was an award-winning...
Expanding the Concept of Ekklēsia

Expanding the Concept of Ekklēsia

Over the last week, my understanding of ekklēsia (church) has expanded. In four instances, I discovered the concept of ekklēsia in traditional and nontraditional settings: (1) a traditional church, (2) a lecture with a bunch of Baptists about LGBTQ+ inclusion and...
How the Free Mom Hugs Movement Was Born

How the Free Mom Hugs Movement Was Born

Sara Cunningham pinned a homemade button to her sundress that read, “Free Mom Hugs.” She went to Oklahoma City Pride and offered free hugs to anyone who needed love and support. This gesture, on June 20, 2016, was born from her experience when her son Parker came out...