by Adelle Banks | Mar 3, 2011 | News
WASHINGTON (RNS) In an 8-1 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday (March 2) that the “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” protesters from Westboro Baptist Church have First Amendment rights to protest military funerals. But does that mean more protests from...
by Robert Guffey | Mar 2, 2011 | Opinion
Funerals may sound like a strange topic in our youth-obsessed, death-avoiding North American culture. Every day the barons of media and marketing seduce the American public out of millions of dollars by playing to the fear of aging and the greater fear that one day...
by Sybil D. Smith | Dec 14, 2009 | Opinion
Hard data from the 1990s showed that beginning about now, our healthcare system would be in crisis because baby boomers would be retiring and living longer than previous retirees. The new retirees would be expecting to draw Social Security and use Medicare for many...
by Larry Wilson | Feb 15, 2007 | Opinion
I have found that a funeral, the occasion on which we come to church when all other gods have failed, is a good place to speak the gospel. The god of “saving for a rainy day” is dead, because cash has failed us. Modern medicine, with specialists collecting...
by Bob Allen | Jan 25, 2006 | News
In what could prove to be a textbook case of the adage “hard cases make bad law,” at least nine states are brushing aside First Amendment concerns to consider bills outlawing protests at funerals of American soldiers. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,...